We begin episode four of RuPaul’s Drag Race after the elimination of Jasmine Masters last week due to her very poor performance in the Shakespeare parody “MacBitch.” Ginger and Kennedy are upset that their friend Jasmine is gone because they will miss her energy. On the other hand, Miss Fame is glad to see Jasmine go because she “was a bad seed.” The queens also discuss how Pearl needs to wake up and get her head in this competition and stop sleepwalking through it.
She done already done had hers’s! Ru comes on the screen and tells the queens that they need to “rock out with their schlock out because no queen is unspoofable.” This is obviously a hint that they will be spoofing other drag queens. Sure enough, Ru comes in and informs them of this week’s maxi-challenge: they will be creating music video parodies of RuPaul! They will split up into three teams and will have to write lyrics, record the vocals and shoot their own #PunnyOrDie music video. Ru lets the girls divide themselves up into teams. Violet, Jaidynn and Max will be the group parodying the “Sissy That Walk” video that debuted last year during season six. Trixie, Miss Fame, Pearl and Katya will be creating a parody of “Dance with U.” Kennedy, Ginger, Mrs. Kasha and Kandy will be parodying “Let the Music Play.”
The teams begin rehearsing and practicing for their parody videos with Lucian Piane. Let me just say that this group of queens cannot carry a tune to save their lives. Listening to them rehearsing was nothing short of ear rape. Pearl just cannot seem to be enthusiastic or come out of her shell. Violet, when it’s her turn, gets a little confrontational with Lucian when he tries to give her constructive criticism.
It’s now time for them to begin filming their final products in front of the green screen. Up first are the “Sissy that Walk” group and it’s like a flashback to the final 4 of season six. It’s funny to watch and they seem to not have any problem at all until Max has a little difficulty characterizing Courtney Act. Up next is the “Let the Music Play” group. They offend RuPaul when their lyrics make fun of RuPaul’s Drag U, something which Ru is very fond of and was one of his favorite jobs. The “Dance with You” group is last and they look like a hot mess (which I believe is the point) but Trixie keeps walking in and out of her shot, not exactly sure what she should be doing when she isn’t singing.

We are back on the main stage of Drag Race and this time the girls will be showcasing their green looks on the runway! If this doesn’t send Michelle Visage running away in terror, nothing will! Ross Matthews, so-called permanent judge, finally decides to join the show for the first time since the premiere. We needed him to butch things up a little bit. The queens all look great on the runway.
It’s now time to see the finished parody videos! They were all funny, but of course the “Let the Music Play” girls missed the mark with RuPaul because it was offensive. The “Dance with U” video was a hot mess that was hard to look away from, but still funny. Personally, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the parody of “Sissy that Walk,” especially Jaidynn’s over-the-top caricature of Bianca Del Rio. NOT TODAY, SATAN! And Max’s over-exaggerated Aussie accent with Courtney Act was hilarious as well. Katya, Jaidynn and Kennedy were the stars of their respective groups. The winner of this challenge was Kennedy Davenport. The judges call out Pearl on being so stoner-like and dull. She gets a little defensive and says she feels picked on because she’s not the only one that hasn’t come out of her shell. Violet Chachki was praised on her Adore Delano impersonation as well as her phenomenal ass which Jessica Alba pretty much drooled over.
The bottom two this week are (surprise, surprise) Pearl and Trixie Mattel! The two now must lip sync for their lives in order to remain in the competition. They will be performing to Blondie’s “Dreaming.” Trixie, who knows the lyrics “like the back of his man hand,” performs circles around Pearl, who still seems rather stoned or sleepy. HUGE SHOCKER when RuPaul says “Pearl… shantay you stay.” That’s right… TRIXIE MATTEL is the fourth queen to sashay away from Drag Race season 7.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Were you shocked by the elimination of Trixie instead of Pearl? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Twitter for all my TV tweets and other nonsense as well as my weekly #DragRace live tweets!
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