Let’s talk about Survivor!
First of all, let’s not kid ourselves. We all know that the next season of Survivor will be known as Survivor: Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawn, not Survivor: Cagayan. We all know this. Survivor: BBB is way easier to remember, and spell. Now that we’ve got that out of the way… Survivor: Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawn premieres on Wednesday, February 26th at 8pm eastern, 7pm central on CBS and instead of one hour, we get two! Survivors ready… let’s go!

J’Tia, David, Kassandra (Kass), Latasha (Tasha), Spencer & Garrett

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David Sampson is 45 years old and he is President of the Miami Marlins. BOO! I actually like the vibe I get from looking at this guy’s picture, but… BOO! No more “rich” and/or “famous” people on Survivor please,
CBS. I liked Survivor more when casting gave this opportunity of winning a million dollars, (and the amazing experience) to everyday citizens like me. I’m really sick and tired of all of these people who can afford to recreate the experience for themselves given the opportunity that my friends who have tried to be on the show since season one are denied. Don’t like it. Not rooting for him, even if he seems like a great guy.

Garrett Adelstein is 27 years old and he is a Pro Poker Player from California. Garrett is hoping to win some money to impress L.A. girls… I guess if that’s that kind of girl you want, Garret, that’s cool. I would think a brainy, straight guy would be more interested in girls that are more impressed with his mind and
personality, but if you want a high-maintenance, shallow woman, Garrett – have fun with all that drama. And good luck with your mission of self-growth, I think you are going to need a lot of luck in that department. Not loving the vibe I get from Garrett, but maybe that’s just his p-p-p-poker face. Ba dum ching!

J’Tia Taylor is 31 years old and she is a Nuclear Engineer in Chicago, Illinois. Finally! A player deserving of being on the Brains tribe! I definitely dig the vibe I get from this girl. From reading her bio she seems very level-headed and if we see any cattiness from her, like we do a lot of women on Survivor and Big Brother, I’ll be very surprised. J’Tia could easily be on the Beauty tribe, but she confesses that she is ¾’s more brainy; I hope she doesn’t come off too brainy with the dudes on her tribe, though, because based on the two guys I’ve already talked about, they are totally going “bros before ho’s” if they have to go to Tribal Council first.

Kassandra “Kass” McQuillen is 41 years old and she is an Attorney from Tehachapi, California. I think J’Tia will be okay if the brainy boys decide to team up against the brainy girls in a first episode Tribal Council situation. Kass is “old” (David is older, though!) and a lot of times the older players are eliminated early on because of the young guns and their misconception that their elders aren’t as able as they are to compete in challenges. BAH on that! Hopefully this won’t happen to Kass because I like her. She’s a rabble rouser, I’m a boat rocker – we’d get along just fine. I just hope she can keep it together and be social with her tribe to avoid the outsider stigma because I can totally envision her not fitting in with the “kids”.

Latasha “Tasha” Fox is 37 years old and she is an accountant from St. Louis, Missouri. Good job with these brainy gals, CBS! If they do have to go to Tribal Council first, I hope these three intellectual ladies will be able to sway the final male member of their tribe to join their side and vote out one of those other boys. Hopefully, they won’t have to toss someone off the island first, though, and maybe Tasha’s athletic abilities will help them accomplish the goal of avoid the torch-snuffing ceremony in episode one. Combined with J’Tia’s self-proclaimed puzzle-solving skills, they stand a good chance of sending the Beauties or Brawns to Tribal
Council instead. (I guess other boys are pretty athletic too…)

Spencer Bledsoe is 21 years old and he is an Economics student at the University of Chicago. Finally! A male deserving of being on the Brains tribe! I’m not really feeling a lot of love for Spencer, though. Maybe it’s because he’s super focused on money and I know there are more important things in life on which to focus. More likely, though, is that he doesn’t smile with his eyes, at least not in that picture, and if I can’t get a good read on someone from their eyes they usually aren’t the kind of person I like to include in my circles of friends. Spencer is smart though, I think, and if he plays his cards right, he could go pretty far in the game. He also respects Todd Herzog, winner of Survivor: China; I love Todd, even more so after being blessed and lucky enough to meet him, so Spencer gets a little respect from me for that.

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Brice, Jefra, Morgan, Alexis, Jeremiah & LJ
Alexis Maxwell is 21 years old and is a student at Northwestern University. Miss Alexis is hoping to immolate Parvati’s sex appeal and strategy and will be using her background in psychology to manipulate the group dynamics in the game. This beauty could definitely double as a brain; she seems smart enough in her bio. She thinks the beauties have the advantage, though because no one will view them as a strategic threat nor will they view the pretty people as a threat in challenges. This brain wouldn’t undervalue the beauties! They would be my first target because of the fact that girls like Alexis can, and will use their sex appeal on all the boys. We’ll see just how sharp she really is when the game begins.

Brice Johnston is 27 years old and is a social worker from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Brice has a nice smile and kind eyes so I like him. He also says he’s most like Cirie, Ozzy and… Colton? I sure hope he’s not too much like Colton! I don’t know how anyone could him into a group with Cirie and Ozzy, but I’m not seeing anything remotely in the area of “I’m a whiny brat and a quitter” in his eyes, so, I guess we’ll find out if his self-proclamation is on point. Really, though, who wants to brag about being like Colton? Brice also thinks he’s a triple threat; beauty, brains and brawn. Like I said, though, we’ll see. He says he’s good at reading people, but, we’ll see.

Jefra Bland is 23 years old, she is from Campbellsville, Kentucky and she lists her occupation as being “Miss Kentucky Teen USA”. This title is also her personal “claim to fame”. No offense or anything, but “Miss Kentucky Teen USA” is not an occupation, especially when you are twenty-three years old. If she had listed “unemployed college student” as her occupation and “recovering addict” as her personal claim to fame, I would have a lot more respect for this girl and her strategy going into the game. I mean, come on, Jefra, you’re selling yourself short! I think there is more to your life than a pageant crown you won in 2009. You survived cervical cancer for crying out loud!

Jeremiah Wood is 34 years old and he is a Male Model from Dobson, North Carolina. I was wondering how many people I would get through on this Beauty tribe to get to the model. Not to demean what he does. I know some fine-lookin’ cowboys in Kansas (all married w/ kids…) and I know a nice country boy when I see one and Jeremiah seems the kind-hearted type. So I like Jeremiah. I had a crush on a bright-blue eyed country boy in high school named Jeremiah so how could I not? My only problem with Jeremiah is that he says he’s most like JT, but then says he wants to prove that a country boy can survive and win. JT already did that, though, so has he never really watched Survivor? He probably meant to put “again” at the end of that statement.

LJ McKanas is 34 years old and he is a Horse Trainer in Boston, Massachusetts. Oh, really, LJ, you think you’re most like Boston Rob? Hmmm… Wonder why you think that? I actually get a really nice vibe from LJ and I actually like Boston Rob. BR may be cut throat, but keep in mind it took him four tries to win Survivor so he’s not that good. Sandra has only played twice and how many times has she won the game? Twice. I think LJ is definitely a formidable foe to the other players, but if he plays up the Boston Rob role too much, he might have trouble getting to the end. We’re in a phase of the games of Survivor and Big Brother when it’s better to be a floater, which has always been a legitimate strategy to winning either game.

Morgan McLeod is 21 years old and she is an Ex-NFL Cheerleader from San Jose, California. Here we go again with these beautiful girls not knowing what the word “occupation” means. Not impressed with the rest of her bio either. I can read between the lines really well and she clearly used her fine manipulation skills when filling out the form. Read it. It’s ridiculous. I think Morgan is going to have a real problem meshing well with the other ladies because she’s used to getting what she wants and when she wants an alliance or a showmance with a dude and doesn’t get it, she’s going to implode. Girls who think they are pretty and spoiled because of it, freak out when they don’t get what the want. I think we all know that.
Sarah, Yung (Woo), Tony, Lindsey, Cliff & Trish
Cliff Robinson is 46 years old and he is a Former NBA All-Star living in Buffalo, New York. UGH! This again. Not only is “Former NBA All-Star” NOT an occupation, but ugh! Another former sports star? Is he broke and not relevant to basketball anymore or did CBS call him immediately upon learning he was interested because he would be perfect for this season of Survivor? Or did CBS just call him because they had some kind of quota to fill? I’m not going to hold this against Cliff on a personal level, I actually like the vibe I get from him too. He says he has experience and knowledge of camping and fishing, knows how to cook, so he could do really well. Cliff will might be fun to watch and get to know so I don’t like that he’s on the show, but that’s just because I don’t like this method of casting.

Lindsey Olge is 29 years old and she is a hairstylist from Kokomo, Indiana. I usually like the tattooed girls with crazy hair and I like Lindsey. She’s confident, but doesn’t come off overly so and we both like Jack Daniels. Lindsey seems pretty laid back, but I’m wondering how well she’s going to do with the other ladies in the game, especially if she ends up with some of the Beauties during a tribe switch. Those girls aren’t going to like Lindsey because her confidence is real. I also think Lindsey is going to get along much better with
the boys and wouldn’t be surprised if she forms alliances with just men. Not sure why, it’s just the vibe I get. Us guy’s girls always know it when we see each other.

Sarah Lacina is 29 years old and she is a Police Officer from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I like Sarah too! I do have a problem with authority, I’m a boat-rocker like I said before, but Sarah is cool. She’s from the Midwest and usually us Midwesterners are pretty laid back, so as long as she can leave the badge at home, she’ll probably mesh well with the rest of the Brawn tribe. We’ll just have to see what happens, though, because she says she will destroy this game. Over-confidence is often ones undoing in the game of Survivor and if she’s aiming to destroy, she could come out guns blazing, which isn’t good. In Survivor, your tribe is your alliance until you have to go to Tribal Council. Until you lose an Immunity Challenge, you shouldn’t actively seek alliances – just relationships.

Tony Vlachos is 39 years old and he is a Police Officer from Jersey City, New Jersey. Now, you all just know that Tony and Sarah will be forming an alliance and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s made on day one. If this is what happens, they will need to keep it on the d/l and I’d even suggest they play off that they don’t get along well. I don’t even need to read this guy’s bio, by the way, I can see his personality very clearly in his picture. Tony might show the same “I’m a cop” mentality that most cops do when they are on Survivor, but he also seems pretty laid back as well. As I’m skimming the bio, these vibes are confirmed. Mentions of Boston Rob and Russell Hantz – pretty standard for his type of casting choice – lots of exclamation points; yup, this guy is pretty standard for this type of casting choice.

Trish Hegarty is 48 years old and she is Pilates Trainer from Needham, Massacusetts. She likes Danni Boatwright – In. I’m probably biased because she’s from Kansas, but I love Danni Boatwright. She is super sweet in person so anyone that likes Danni I will probably like them too. From reading her bio, Trish seems like a very “Dawnesque” player, not exactly like her, but I think her game play will be in the style of Dawn. She says she has great intuition; she’s a team player, not a control freak, positive… Yup, sounds like Danni. Trish could do really well, especially if the Brawn team wins lots of challenges. This group seems to be the most cohesive (I really love that word if you haven’t noticed from reading my blogs) of all the tribes.

Yung “Woo” Hwang is 29 years old and he is a Martial Arts Instructor from Newport Beach, California. Yup, definitely think this Brawn tribe is going to get along really well. Tony might have some trouble if he’s one of those hot-headed cops, but if he’s not, I’m going for Brawn to be the tribe that gets along this season. Woo, I guess we’ll be calling him “Woo”, gives me another “nice guy” vibe. He’s in to surfing and you know those dudes are always laid back, man. Woo is an Ozzy fan who says he can adapt to his surroundings; he should do well when the tribes are shuffled, if they are shuffled. I think Woo definitely has a chance at the million dollars and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins the game. In fact, I think he’s my pick for winner.
And that’s our cast for Survivor: Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawn. I love that we have all new players this season and I think we’re in for a lot of drama and fun. Once again, Survivor premieres on Wednesday, February 26
th at 8pm eastern, 7pm central. You can read the player’s bios for yourself at
http://www.cbs.com/shows/survivor/cast/ There are lots of other goodies at the CBS site so be sure to click on over there after you read all of my King of the Nerds blog posts. Then come back and read the rest as I write them, even if you don’t watch the show; you’ll feel like you have. Thanks!
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I really loved reading your blog.