This leg begins with teams learning that they will be flying to Windhoek, Namibia. Once they arrive, they will sign up for another flight on one of six bush planes. After spending the night in the airport, all teams arrive in Namibia on the same flight. The olympians will fly on the first bush plane, then the lawyers, followed by the hairstylists, Laura & Tyler, Mike & Rochelle, and Hayley & Blair. Hayley blames Blair for their last place position, because he wanted them to be more comfortable on the flight to Namibia and take seats that were further back on the plane. Hayley seems to forgive him when she sees the bush plane pilot Hagen, who she develops a crush on. It looks like the planes left pretty soon after each other, so it’s really anyone’s game. Once they land, the olympians receive a clue telling them to drive themselves to the bushman village and pick up a salt lick on the way. Once again, Laura & Tyler win the Date Night Pass. It’s like the producers want them to be a couple as much as I do! Unfortunately, Laura & Tyler drive right past the salt licks (they even miss the sign), so they will eventually have to go back and retrace their steps. At the village, the olympians encounter a roadblock. Aly decides to complete Stick Around, in which one team member must help the bushmen build a traditional hut in order to receive their next clue. Aly is complaining a lot, saying that she shouldn’t have done this roadblock and that Steve made her, even though they’ve been switching roadblocks, so it was her turn.
Hayley & Blair’s plane lands while Mike is still struggling to start the car, which is a bit embarrassing. Laura & Tyler arrive at the roadblock, and Tyler starts building the hut. Hayley & Blair miss the salt lick as well, so when they arrive at the roadblock they ask other teams about it. They realize their mistake and turn around to go find the salt lick, which Tyler overhears. He talks to Laura, and they decide to go look for the salt lick before continuing with the roadblock. Hayley & Blair get back to the roadblock
slightly ahead of Tyler & Laura and Mike & Rochelle. Tyler does exceedingly well at building the hut, and he finishes before everyone else! He and Laura are now off to ranger headquarters, where they will get their next clue. Matt, Jelani, and Aly finish next. Teams must give the head ranger the salt in order to get their next clue, which is a detour. In Track, teams must use telemetric technology to locate an elephant. In Pack, teams have to prepare a meal of wildebeest meat and feed it to hungry wild dogs. Only three teams can do Pack at one time, so Aly & Steve are forced to do Track. Blair finishes the roadblock, and he and Hayley are disappointed to learn that they must do Track as well. Tyler & Laura cut all of the meat required first, followed by the hairdressers. Rochelle finally finishes the roadblock.
Although Pack seems easier, the teams doing Track have an amazing view of all of the wild animals. Laura & Tyler and Matt & Ashley complete the detour and are off to the pitstop, Spitzkopee. It seems like the pit stop is very far away, so navigation will play a crucial role in who comes in first. Mike & Rochelle complete the detour, then the olympians finish Track. Hayley & Blair argued a bit because Blair insisted on holding all of the tracking equipment, but they eventually find the elephant. It is now an all out race to the pit stop, just like last leg! The hairstylists, Laura & Tyler, and the lawyers are in a caravan. Laura & Tyler stop to look at the map (and Tyler decides that they are on the correct road) and the lawyers are stuck behind them. This freaks out Matt & Ashley, who reverse the car because they assume they made some
mistake. When they reach the other two teams, Matt jumps out of the car to try and figure out why they stopped. After realizing that they should just keep going, the caravan continues. Aly tells Steve he is very close to the side of the road, but he gets annoyed by this. Then they hit something on the side of the road and get a flat tire, which Aly says she knew would happen (she has a point). Steve apologizes to Aly, then they watch Hayley & Blair drive past them, putting them in last place.
Matt & Ashley pull over to ask for directions, so Laura & Tyler pass them, while the lawyers go in a different direction than the two teams ahead of them. It ends up being a foot race between Laura & Tyler and the hairdressers. Laura & Tyler dispute which path they should take to the pit stop, and the hairdressers end up taking the path Tyler wanted to take. Matt & Ashley come in first place and win $5,000 each. Laura & Tyler get 2nd place, and Hayley & Blair are 3rd. Jelani & Jenny finally realize they have been driving in the wrong direction and they turn around. When they reach the pit stop, the lawyers are shocked to learn that they’re in 4th place instead of last. Mike & Rochelle get 5th place, meaning Aly & Steve are in last place. However, it is a non elimination leg so they’re not eliminated! Wow, I bet no one saw that coming at all… A two hour episode in which the first leg is non elimination? Revolutionary.
What did you think about this leg of the race? To be honest, I found it kind of boring. Watching people build a hut and then either feed wild dogs or track an elephant doesn’t really make great TV. Hopefully the next leg (which actually premiered the same night as this leg) will be more interesting! Let me know what you thought about this episode in the comments below.