Chris and the ladies are finally out of that stuffy mansion and starting the travels! First stop SanteFe, New Mexico. Carly was the lucky one that scored the first date that immediately put my mind in the gutter because her card said “Lets Come Together” Chris and Carly ( I do love an alliteration couple) show up to this house where they are met with a love guru. She is asking them to breath and meditate and is waving incense all over the place. This date goes from wacky to awkward pretty quickly. She tells Carly to blindfold him and touch him, smell him and give him food. Hey love guru, Megan did that food thing last week…..old news! Then she starts wanting them to take their clothes off! Did anyone tell this person this is their first date, they’ve only
known each other for 3 weeks. Carly is instantly uncomfortable and Chris can sense this. It’s been a long time since she’s taken her clothes off for a man. Chris isn’t exactly comfortable either. He also learned a valuable lesson Love Guru is just code for Sex Guru. I really think he thought it would be trust exercises and ways to break downs walls but not these walls! She wants them to let go of a “Mask” that is preventing them from being all into the process. Each piece of clothing representing a mask. Finally Chris ends the awkwardness by telling the guru they don’t want to take the nudity party any farther. She is ok with that and switches gears from physical to mental. Chris’s was truly fall in love and commit to it. Carly’s was more deep. She needs to let go of the fear she’s not worthy of love. Chris reassured her she is worthy and they have some romantic time before dinner. At dinner she delves more into the I’m not worthy revelation. Carly’s last relationship was a long one and he wasn’t interested in any kind of physical relationship with her, which has led to her feelings of inadequacy. I truly felt for Carly. I like her, she’s cute and shes funny and one of the least crazy ones around. This date has elevated Carly’s position with Chris. They had a great connection and he made her feel special. The date ends with a rose and of course some kissing. I predict after this date Carly is up there on a Whitney, Kaitlyn and Britt level. I guess the Love Guru did what she was supposed to!
Back at the hotel we are hearing the story of Sanderson Poe who is Kelsey’s late husband. Seems he died out of the blue on his walk to work of congestive heart failure. Telling this story to the girls Kelsey is unemotional which seems off to a lot of the girls. The man’s only been gone a year and a half and he was supposed to be the love of your life, shouldn’t there be some tears? The date card comes. Jade, Megan, Kaitlyn, Whitney, Mackenzie, Becca, Samantha, Ashley and Kelsey are all chosen to go. Chris’ only hint is “I’m rapidly falling in love” Kelsey is not happy. She needs a one on one. She needs to tell her story to Chris and is just not taking their relationship seriously enough. The date is river rafting down the Rio Grande. Everything is going great until Jade goes overboard. No worries, she’s pulled back in but the cold water has taken a toll. Jade has some medical condition where her feet and hands are really sensitive to cold. Chris being the gentlemen he is takes the time to warm her up and make sure she is OK. This does nothing but fuel Kelsey’s anger fire that has been burning since the camping trip. The after party is at the hotel and the girls are all waiting for Chris. He is taking FOREVER to show up. They are trying to figure out why. Maybe he doesn’t feel well, maybe something happened at home. Little to they know in the lobby Chris has run into Jordan (who was sent home week 2) She just happened to know they were in Sante Fe, at that hotel and she drove
all the way from Colorado to ask him for a second chance. She said her nerves caused her to drink too much and she really wants a chance for Chris to get to know the real her. Chris knows he sent her home because she drank too much and their time was never really valuable but sees a different side and allows her to join the party. OH CHRIS….have you never seen this show. Girls don’t like this…nope, not one bit. They are PISSED OFF. Kelsey’s rage fire burns brighter, but even angrier is Ashley I. She wastes no time telling Chris she isn’t wife material during her one on one time. These girls never learn either. Don’t take your 10 minutes and waste it talking about stupid stuff or other girls. You never know when a cocktail party will be cancelled! Chris finds himself having that same conversation with every girl he talks with that night. Kaitlyn being the exception (yay for Kaitlyn) He quickly realized allowing Jordan to stay was a huge mistake. While he takes Jordan off to let her down gently Ashley has gone from Disney Princess to Mean Girl. She wants none of these girls to be nice to her. They must shun her for taking this chance. Whitney thank heavens is the voice of reason and tells her no, you can’t be mean to be mean, but Ashley is hell-bent on making Jordan’s life miserable while she’s hear. Jordan said her good byes to the girls for a second time and Chris sits with the girls to address the elephant in the room. THE ROSE! I wanted Kaitlyn to get it, but figured Jade would for her tumble in the river. Ashley thinks she deserves the rose and Whitney ends up getting it. Ashley is irate! Chris runs the hell out of there before he gets killed. Kaitlyn breaks the tension with a joke because that is what she does and the girls go back to their room as well.
Britt receives her date card and it says “Skies The Limit” Carly is begging Britt to shower because NEWSFLASH EVERYONE Britt don’t shower. Britt’s to busy freaking out because she is terrified of heights and thinks she’s about to go bungee jumping or skydiving. I’m right there with her. I’d be freaking out too but here is a word or warning to all reality show hopefuls. REVERSE PYSCHOLOGY. If they ask you your fears you tell them what you aren’t afraid of. Fast forward to 4:30am and Chris is sneaking into the girls hotel room to wake up Britt. All the girls are in one room and Carly wakes up. Chris Shhhh’s her and creeps over to Britt and wakes her up with a kiss (Ew morning breath) We also learn that Britt along with not showering, sleeps in full make up. I wonder if she sucks on breath mints all night too. Much to Britt’s relief the date is just a hot air balloon ride over New Mexico. All the tension from last weeks confrontation seems to have vanished and they make the most of the romantic moments and spent most of the ride kissing. After the balloon ride they end up back in Chris’s hotel room order room service. Talk turns to kids and Chris says he wants as many as he can have (hello Duggars) and Britt agrees. He gives her the rose and the supposedly take a nap. At the hotel the talk is of Britt and how they think she tells Chris just want he wants to hear. She has told the girls he doesn’t want to settle down and have kids just yet. Carly is irate that Chris hushed her and kissed her in a room full of girls. In Chris’s defense he said on twitter he didn’t know any of the girls were awake. He could have been shushing production! Is Britt for real, or is this just an act to see if she can win The Bachelor? From the edit it looks like she won’t be the next Bachelorette, that’s going to Kaitlyn or Carly.
It’s the day of the rose ceremony and the rage fire that has been burning under Kelsey has hit its high point. Britt told everyone about going back to his suite for 2 hours and “napping” She needs time to tell Chris about her “story” so she sneaks to his suite all dressed up. This time while telling her story she manages to drum up some tears and have some emotion. After telling him the story of her dead husband they share their first kiss. You can’t waste time you see, you never know when the end will be. This girl is a psycho. In her confessional she is telling us my story is amazing, It’s to tragic, I love my story. This isn’t just Chris’s journey to find love, it’s how I overcame tragedy to find love too. People this girl is responsible for the minds of children! She’s a guidance counselor…or was….I can see that not being an option after the season is over. At the rose ceremony the mood is tense and Chris walks in. He drops the bomb that Kelsey came to his room that day and he’s had some things to think about. He’s obviously emotional and excuses himself to talk to Chris. While they’re talking the girls are freaking out. Well not Kelsey. She is cool, calm and collected. Whitney is skeptical about her behaviour. She is too confident, going as far as to say she’s going to hate saying good-bye to some girls tonight’s. Through all the suspense Kelsey is grinning like the Cheshire cat until Chris H appears and tells them the cocktail party is cancelled, they will be going directly to a rose ceremony. Confident Kelsey turns into crying Kelsey. Now she’s not sure what is going to happen. She flees the room and collapses. Medics are on scene and 911 is called. Nobody knows what’s going on and now we’re left with a cliffhanger.
Is this all an act from Kelsey for attention? Who do you think Chris sends homes tonight? Comment below and let me know what you thought of this episode! Don’t forget to join Michael and I every Tuesday at 7pm EST on our ROSES page where we break down everything that happened and let you know what we think! Don’t forget we are also covering King of the Nerds, Celebrity Apprentice and RHOA, RHOBH and Vanderpump Rules