Can you believe we are at hometowns already? This season is just flying by! This week Tim is visiting Alberta and Ontario to meet his ladies families. There should be no shortage of drama on this episode. First up Tim visits Edmonton, the home of Trish. Trish has impressed me lately. Wasn’t a huge fan of the grown up pageant queen to begin with but her sense of humor and all around niceness has won me over. While her relationship with Tim was a slow burn to start with, their connection has blossomed of the last few episodes. If Sean and Catherine and Ashley and JP and Des and Chris are any indication the slow burn seems to be the most successful. How can you be in Edmonton home of one of the most successful Canadian hockey franchises and not play hockey? You can’t. Trish is looking mighty cute in her custom Oilers Jersey and she gives Tim his own custom Maple Leafs jersey. For hockey fans……that is a huge deal. While Trish didn’t think that hockey playing could be romantic, Tim seems to put the romance in any
situation. There is come kissing and cuddling out on the ice and then it’s show time. The arrive at Trish’s house and they are barely out of car when the cutest old man comes rushing up to Tim and Trish with hugs. Her grandfather is the best thing EVER. He is so excited to see them and his love for Trish is written all over his face. Her family is just as funny and nice as Trish is and Tim feels right at home there. Normally the first date on hometowns is the kiss of death, since he has three that can top it and he can get his jitters out on the first one. No one seems to grill Tim and in Trish’s talk with her mom her mom thinks he’s a good fit but it’s really up to Trish. Trish’s mom calms her fears that she could not get a rose. Mom doesn’t think that would ever happen. Mom knows best right. What Tim doesn’t know is that Trish has been keeping a secret. She wants to drop the “L” word. She tried at the rink and she tried after the date but instead she is falling for him. The meaning is implied and Tim said he fell for her a long time ago. Was that a reciprocation of feeling in a round about I didn’t break the rules kind of way? They end the date with a hot and steamy kiss by the car and after meeting Trish’s family I need her to end up with Tim! What did you think of Trish’s hometown?
Tim makes his way to Toronto where he is meeting Sachelle to fly to Sudbury. There is a snag though. It’s crazy foggy on the Toronto Island and Porter Airlines can’t take off. The flight is grounded and Sachelle is so upset. Her date part of the day is over before it began. They can be in Sudbury in time for dinner. Is this a problem for Tim? Not at all. The guy makes lemonade out of lemons and shows her some sights from his neighborhood. They grab coffee at a corner coffee shop and watch some little kids run around and play. The perfect opportunity to have the do you want kids and how many discussion. The make it back to the airport and fly to Sudbury where Tim is met with Sachelle’s family.
All of who seem to be pretty easy-going except for her brother Shane who is sitting there throwing death stares at him. You can tell Tim is slightly uncomfortable and I don’t blame him. Her brother is a little, wait no a lot intense. It’s one thing to be over protective but he’s taking it to an all new level. Tim sits down with Sachelle’s dad who seems to be really nice but they barely get into their conversation with the dark cloud of Shane arrives and dad just leaves. He wants to know if Tim can see himself proposing at the end of this and that he better not end up hurting his sister. While he doesn’t think Tim is fully committed he thinks Tim likes Sachelle so he didn’t hit him. This kid has some issues if you ask me. Sachelle walks Tim to his car at the end of the night and actually tells him I LOVE YOU. Obviously he doesn’t say it back, he can’t but his reaction wasn’t near his reaction to Trish’s I’m falling for you. I’ll admit I’m not a huge fan of Sachelle. I think she likes to put her nose where it doesn’t belong. I don’t believe her side of the Lisa story, nor do I totally believe Lisa’s version either but she should have kept her nose out of it. Do you think Sachelle has a shot at the final two?
Next stop Wasaga Beach! April’s hometown. Their connection is electric, he can’t keep his hand off her but she needs to work on her trust of Tim and let down her guard and tell him everything she has told us. They take a walk along the boardwalk and April asks to stop and sit. She tells him how her parents partied a lot and that her dad had died of a drug overdose. She also tells him that he won’t be meeting her mother today. She has no relationship with her, so he will be meeting her grandparents and other relatives and friends. Finally the guard has been let down and maybe now this physical relationship can go to the next level. They end up at a restaurant that used to be owned
by her grandparents so it has sentimental meaning to April. April’s aunt sounds like she is going to be a tough on to handle. While she thought Tim was very good-looking she was quite quick to announce that looks are what is going to impress her, she needs to see character. April’s grandmother at 89 was no pushover either. She tells Tim she can see right through him and Tim starts to visibly sweat. If we thought Sachelle’s brother was intense, this family brought it another level………for a split second. Grandma asks if it was love at first sight and he said no, it wasn’t until their first real conversation that he started falling for her. This was enough to calm the aunt, and April’s grandmother has taken a real shine to the charms of our Bachelor. By the end of dinner everyone has smiles on their faces and before Tim heads off to his next date April tells him that she is falling for him too. What is Tim going to do? All these girls opening up, he is really going to have a tough time deciding who to send home this week. Do you think April opening up now was too late or just in time?
Tim heads back to Alberta, Calgary this time to meet up with Lisa. Lisa is just relieved that she made it through the rose ceremony in Tuscany last week and takes it as a sign that Tim believes her and has moved on from the drama. Oh honey, you couldn’t be more wrong. Tim has been losing sleep over trying to decided whose version to believe. Is Lisa telling the truth that the waiter kissed her or is Sachelle right saying Lisa instigated it and even went for seconds. He gives her a warm greeting and she is so excited and shows him where they skate in winter and she has so much she wants to show him and he stops her and they sit down on a bench. Uh oh this is never good. He asks her again what happened in Italy. She says she already told him and is sticking to her story that she was kissed and that she feels awful and sick about it. He tells her that he can see himself falling for her making us believe that maybe just maybe he has forgiven her and can move past it but no, he tells her that he just can’t meet her parents and move on in good faith with so many questions swirling around the incident. After a hug and awkward few minutes of just looking at each other Tim is the first one to turn away. I don’t think there has ever been a season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette where if you made it to hometowns you didn’t actually meet the family you came to see. I actually feel bad for Lisa, she planned a date had her family gathered to meet Tim and the dumps this on her. If he had such questions this should have been hashed out in Italy and she never should have made it to the hometown part of this date. I think he led the girl on and regardless of what might of might not have happened she didn’t deserve that. Do you think Tim did the right thing? Should he have given her the rose last week?
All the girls then gather for the rose ceremony. The other three can’t help but notice the absence of Lisa and the smirk on April’s face told us what her and the other two were thinking. I am sure Sachelle was pleased as punch to not see Lisa there. Her master plan worked. Then they lock eyes on the rose table and notice only 2 roses. Tim is man who has made up his mind and is sending another girl home. The smirks quickly become looks of terror. Who is Tim sending home? I guessed Sachelle would get the axe. Her brother is just too much drama to deal with. April gets the first rose and I know it’s Sachelle leaving. His bond with Trish just gets stronger and stronger and sure enough, Sachelle is sent home. Did Tim make the right decision? If I were Tim I’d be keeping quite the watchful eye out because Shane will be coming for you! I think the right two ladies are headed home, although the previews suggest he brings another girl back into the fray. I wonder who that would be? Before we get to that though we get THE BEST episode of every season THE WOMEN TELL ALL. Will we get the real story about what happened in Italy. I can’t wait to see these ladies cat fight it out, and I wonder how much flack Tim will get from his exes. Now that the season is starting to wind down what have you been thinking so far? Comment below and let me know your thoughts on Tim and his decisions.