Sorry this is so late, it’s been a crazy week. Not just in my house though, it was a crazy week in Bachelor Nation. First we had the Bachelor reunion that ended in the oh so romantic Jade and Tanner wedding. Carly was a bridesmaid and sang and there was oddly no mention of Marcus or Lacey (nor did they attend) at all. Trouble in paradise maybe? And now we move on to the catfights that always occur just before home town dates. Ben brings his final 6 to Warsaw, Indiana The Orthopedic Capital his home town. Please can I move here! All the ladies NEED time with him. Becca comments it’s so different with Ben. She couldn’t see herself falling in love with Chris so she never felt she needed time. She sees it now and NEEDS it now. Which leads me to wonder, if Chris had chosen her would she have turned him down? Emily is the only one that hasn’t had a one on one and that should be your hint. At a time where girls have had 2 alone dates and you have had none….honey is just isn’t that into you.
Ben shows up to the house the girls are staying at and personally invites Lauren B to the first one on one. The girls aren’t happy. Apparently its a game changer to hear Ben ask a girl out as opposed to them reading a card. Lauren has 30 minutes to get ready. It’s a boring date really. A ride around town where Ben shows his girl all his favorite places. His highschool, his church, his favorite place to eat and then he brings her to a place near and dear to him. He worked a youth club for years and he took her there to meet the kids, none of who probably know Ben since he’s been gone for so long but they all act like he’s the biggest influence in their young lives. Well played kids. You were prepped well. The spend some time with them, having fun playing basketball and Ben brings out the mascot, coach and player from the Indiana Pacers just to make the kids day extra special. More like pay off for pretending to like him. Ben has a sweet moment with a little boy who’s crying and Lauren’s ovaries basically start spitting out eggs because he’ll make such a great dad. The two talk more about what happened last week with Leah. She was so scared that it would change how he felt about her and she didn’t know how to respond. This date solidified how he was feeling and the two are now on the same page. He brings her to his favorite bar to meet his friends. Remember Chris in Iowa, bringing Whitney to meet his friends. Could Lauren be the one?
While the Lauren is on her date,as normal the date card arrives, and it’s for JoJo. She has 30 minutes to get ready. So when in Indiana what do you do? You go to Chicago obviously. Standing outside Wrigley Field the marquis lights up telling them to come inside. Baseball fan Ben is thrilled and the two spend the afternoon frolicking around the baseball diamond wearing Mr and Mrs Higgins baseball Jerseys. They change the scoreboard to say JoJo+Ben and have dinner on the field. Ben has said many times that he is more himself around JoJo than anyone. JoJo still hasn’t let herself completely go with Ben yet and he understands the trust issues so he just wants her to know how he feels about her. At dinner they talk more about JoJo’s fears. She tells him that she has always felt like the more invested person in the relationship. She sees the qualities in him that she is looking for and she wants so bad to give herself to him but she doesn’t know how he feels. Her heart is ready for him and she’s not afraid to fall. She is totally Team Ben.
And then there’s the group date! if you thought swimming with pigs was awkward you haven’t seen anything yet. Ben with Caila in a canoe being hawk eye watched by Becca and Amanda is even more so. After an afternoon of trying to be close but not to close with all the girls he finally pulls them aside for their one on one chats the winner of the talk segment not only gets a rose but some one on one time. The talk between Amanda and Ben was like all about like if she is like ready to introduce Ben to like her kids. Yes that is how they two of them talk. I like seriously can’t take it anymore….seriously. While it’s a big step she feels it’s time. Then there is Becca. She’s fallen so much harder with Ben then Chris and it’s been so much harder. She needs validation and want to feel special. She likes hims so much but its scary he can’t tell her back. All she wants is to not be blindsided. Don’t surprise her with the limo drive of shame. She is way more into Ben then Chris. In Caila’s chat with him she says she afraid that he won’t love her because she moved a lot. She sees his deep roots (he doesn’t even live there anymore) in Warsaw and she doesn’t have that. All she needed was her family. His burning question to her is Can you stay in one town long-term? I don’t think as a kid she had any say in if she moved or not, you kind of just go where the people who feed you go. But she says she can see herself staying in one place or not. She is moss looking for the perfect tree. Way to clear it up Caila! Amanda gets the group date rose. Becca is
NOT Ok and Amanda and Ben go to McDonalds. No I just can’t…althought it’s the first time we see food eaten. Ben eats an Egg Mcmuffin with fries and that is just not right. They play behind the counter. As someone who has to do that everyday this is not a fun date. The two end their day having fun at a carnival. Ben lost sexy points screaming like a little girl on the carnival rides.
Emily finally gets her chance. It’s her time for a one on one and she is so excited. Where does he bring her? Home to mom. Oh Lord. This is the hail Mary of dates. The I’m not sure, lets see what mom things. His issue is she is young and is she ready for marriage. So putting her through the will she wet herself at the sight of my mother test seems the way to find out right? Mom wastes no time pulling sweet, little, naive Emily aside. It was like watching a lioness walk away with a baby deer. Someone in this scenario isn’t coming back! Emily is talking and talking and talking and OMG is she talking. You can see the oh hell’s no I am putting a stop to this right now look in mom’s eyes. Emily is so oblivious, bless her heart, she thinks it went great. Ben talks to his dad and then his mom who wastes no time telling him No. I’m sure of camera it was” Hell’s no you are out of the will if this is who you choose” but they made nice for the cameras. The women at home look out the window to see the two pull up
by boat and sit on the deck. Shortest date in history. Ben is telling her that he just doesn’t see it working. He’s loved seeing her grow and become more herself without Hayley around but the relationship hasn’t progressed like the others.. It’s time for her to go. Emily looks like she’s been slapped in the face. The poor girl is devastated. Luckily the final 6 are probably the 6 nicest girls on the planet and even thought they all want Ben as their own they are there to hold and comfort a crying Emily. Even if inwardly they are screaming ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!
Thank goodness we are now at the point where cocktail parties are no long required. It was like a cage match with fancy dresses. Ben gets right down to business. Amanda is the only safe one so far with the group date rose. It comes down to Virginal Becca and Sex Panther Caila. And the rose goes to…………Sex Panter. Yes Caila is bringing Ben home to mom and dad and Becca is sent home. Becca is pissed off. All she asked was please don’t blind side me and BAM hello blind side. He says he didn’t know til he was calling out names but I call bullshit on that one.
So now only 4 remain and we get to visit the hometowns. It’s almost over folks. Who do you think is going to win Ben’s heart? Don’t forget we are also covering Hell’s Kitchen, and Survivor. In two weeks Eric and I will begin our coverage of BBCAN4 so find out where and when to watch HERE!