This week Kandi and Todd are getting down to business…..real business. Todd is frustrated that Kandi has all these things on the go but nothing is getting finished. Kandi realizes that her “team” is not being as productive as they should be. Kandi calls a team meeting and tells them that they need to start working harder to achieve the goals that they are setting. The team thinks it’s all coming from Todd but Kandi tries to assure them that it’s not. Kandi’s manager Don Juan talks to Kandi about the meeting and he felt bombarded at the meeting. He’s upset he’s given up a lot for Kandi and feels unappreciated. Don Juan thinks Kandi has changed since getting married and not for the better. Todd and Don Juan fight it out. Todd wants him to lead and not just do everything. The boys end up cool, but for how long?
Over at the Ricky Smiley Show it looks like a cat fight is brewing between Claudia and Porshe. Claudia is loving her radio gig, but Porshe thinks that Claudia really wanted the Dish Nation job and thinks that the TV gig is way better than the radio one. Claudia sees Porshe getting ready for her show and stopped into say hi. She wants to get to know Porshe despite the Kenya business, and while Claudia seems genuine, Porshe is being so standoffish to her. I think I’m going to really like Claudia. She seems like the only sane one in the bunch.
Kenya, Claudia and Cynthia all meet up for a shopping date. The spend the afternoon trying on shoes and Cynthia brings up Porshe. Claudia tells them how at first Porshe was so nice to her at work but after Cynthia’s party she’s been cold. Claudia just wondered if it was worth it to hash it out with her. Kenya tells her to give it a try.
Kandi, Phaedra, NeNe and Porshe go for a spa day. Porshe’s lunch with Cynthia came up Porshe told her about her botox and her robot read. NeNe says she and Cynthia will never be friends again. Kandi says she can’t remember why NeNe and Kenya fell out and they all have a good laugh at that. At this point Kandi is the only one that is going to apologize to Kenya for believe the rumors.
Peter and Apollo meet up for drinks. Neither can understand Phaedra’s attitude. Apollo just wants to spend time with the kids but we know that Phaedra won’t allow it. Peter doesn’t get it because Phaedra got with Apollo right after he got out of prison.
Porshe and Claudia meet for lunch to clear the air. Claudia doesn’t beat around the bush and tells her how she felt a change in how she acted. Porshe denies it. Claudia lays it out that despite her friendship with Kenya, she wants to get to know Porshe and she hopes Porshe wants to get to know her. Claudia asks her if she’d sit down and talk to Kenya and Porshe shuts her down right away saying what happened between her and Kenya is between her and Kenya and not to get involved in it. I actually think that this shows a bit of maturity on Porshe’s part. She could have easily ripped Kenya to shreds to Claudia but she didn’t.
Kandi and Kenya go kick boxing. Kandi takes the high road and admits when she was wrong and apologizes to Kenya for not believing her. Kenya is willing to accept her apology. Kandi lets her know that Porshe and NeNe thinks Apollo is lying about lying. Kenya breaks down. She is so tired of people calling her a whore even after it was revealed it was all a lie. She ends up in the bathroom crying and pushing he cameras away with Kandi wondering what the heck just happened. They keep kicking Kenya but Kenya says it’s ok keep kicking, I’ll keep getting back up.
I am actually feeling bad for Kenya. She doesn’t deserve the hate she got for the last 2 years? Do you think things will ever get resolved when it comes to the Kenya/Apollo situation? Comment below and let us know. Don’t for get to check out our BRAVO PAGE for our written blogs on all the Bravo shows on the air and Jon is reading you the ladies Bravo blogs too.